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Theory of evolution

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Unit 7: Welcome


Explain how natural selection can impact allele frequencies of a population

Allele frequencies in a population may change due to four fundamental forces of evolution: Natural Selection, Genetic Drift, Mutations and Gene Flow?

Describe the factors that can contribute to the development of new species (e.g., isolating mechanisms, genetic drift, founder effect, migration)?

Explain how genetic mutations may result in genotypic and phenotypic variations within a population?

Unit 7: Feature
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Essential Questions

  1. How does natural selection impact allele frequency in a population?

Mutations are the ultimate source of new alleles in a gene pool. Two of the most relevant mechanisms of evolutionary change are Natural Selection and Genetic Drift.

  2. How do the following factors contribute to the development of a new species: isolating mechanisms, genetic drift, founder effect, and migration?

3. How can genetic mutations result in genotype or phenotype variations within a population?


Key Terms

Are remains or traces of organisms that once lived and have been preserved.
homologous structures
share an evolutionary relationship. They will have the same tissue  it in different forms
analogous structures
performs similar functions
has lost its original functionality, but suggest that the species descend from an ancestor
A change in DNA sequence
change in allele frequencies over time that results in new species developing from another species
natural selection
the process when a species is given an advantage in survival
allele frequency
how commonly a allele pops up in a population
genetic drift
a change in allele frequencies that occur due to change

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Multiple Choice Questions

An organism preserved in stone dirt or on other surfaces?

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Unit 7: Event

Short Answer Question

Give an example of evolution

Unit 7: Inner_about

Answer key

Multiple Choice Question Answer / Short Answer Question

  1. When darwin's birds were on the island and they adapted to the type of food they ate their beaks changed to be stronger to get food.

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