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Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Unit 3: About

Essential Questions

  • What are the 3 stages of aerobic cellular respiration?

  • What's the difference between cellular respiration and photosynthesis?

Unit 3: Quote


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The fundamental roles of plastids and mitochondria in energy transformations are to use the chlorophyll and other molecules built into the thylakoid membrane, capture the energy from the sunlight, produce ATP as well as other molecules split the water molecules and then release the oxygen from the leaves. Also the differences and similarities in basic transformation of energy between photosynthesis and cellular respiration some similarities in basic transformation of energy between photosynthesis and cellular respiration are that they both create and consume H20, Glucose, Oxygen and carbon dioxide also and the differences in cellular respiration breaks down food and releases energy to whereas photosynthesis uses the production of and captures food. And the role of ATP in a biochemical reaction is to break down ATP into ADP so they can re-join together and into ATP and re-form in a living cell.

Unit 3: About
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Key terms & Definitions

A small molecule that provides energy through reactions through the cell.
Cellular respiration
To take place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into adenosine triphosphate
Organelles in animals and plant cells that produce ATP for the energy.
Converting light energy into chemical energy.
Are the organelles where photosynthesis takes place
Proteins produced by cells and catalase to react to body temperatures.
Any living thing such as animals, plants etc
organisms composed of one or more cells which hold nuclei and other  organelles
organisms that lack a well defined nucleus and membrane-bound organelles

Unit 3: Inner_about

Multiple Choice Question

What is the equation for cellular respiration? 


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oxygen + glucose + ------> water + sugar

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carbon dioxide + water + ------> + sugar + oxygen

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Y=m^x +b

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glucose + oxygen -----> carbon dioxide +water

Unit 3: Event

Short answer Question

What does Eukaryotic and Prokaryotes have in common ?

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Unit 3: About

Answer key

Photosythesis And cellular respiration

multiple-choice answer

1.  D 

Short Answer answer

  • Short Answer Answer: The differences and similarities in basic transformation of energy between photosynthesis and cellular respiration some similarities in basic transformation of energy between photosynthesis and cellular respiration are that they both create and consume H20, Glucose, Oxygen and carbon dioxide also and the differences in cellular respiration breaks down food and releases energy to whereas photosynthesis uses the production of and captures food.

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Unit 3: About
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